Mr. Lowrey studied under his mentor, renowned artist R H Ives Gammel and continues the tradition of the Boston School in that lineage of teachers who include Mr. Gammel's eacher William McGregor Paxton, the French academic painter Gerome and his teacher the great Jacques Louis David. Mr. Lowrey is best known for his exquisite portraits and still life, impressionistic landscapes and his recently completed series of paintings which pay homage to the Dutch Master Jan Vermeer. His classical approach honors the tradition of Western European painting, using this language to capture the contemporary. A favorite proverb of the artist, "Look only to the past and lose an eye. Forget the past and lose both eyes" reflects the philosophical basis of his artistic sensibilities. Mr. Lowrey is currently involved in research involving the use of the camera obscura in Vermeer's work. He has produced accurate working models of these cameras in his studio. Mr. Lowrey is past vice president of the prestigious Guild of Boston Artists.